Saturday, September 15, 2012

Peach Dynamite Breakfast

So I really believe that God designed this breakfast for us right after we finished our detox that we would be able to flush out the toxic matter that had been escorted to our bowels. My youngest had seven substantial bowel movements a day while eating this breakfast. She has now gone back to her normal three ;-)

The Recipe

1 Large Stock pot 3/4 filled with chopped peaches
1/2 cup chia seeds
1/2 cup flax seeds
2 Large handfuls of raisins
3 cups shredded coconut
Chopped walnuts

Mix all together and enjoy.

On some mornings we also poured coconut milk, or our almond/coconut milk over the top of this.

One morning our peaches were on the slightly bitter side so we drizzled cinnamon honey over the top of this and it was delicious.