Sunday, August 5, 2012

Current Favorite Pancake Recipe

Pancake Recipe

2 cups sprouted flour (we use buckwheat, quinoa, millet, and/or kamut)
1tsp real salt
1 1/2 Tbs. baking powder
1 egg
2 cups coconut creaminess, slightly diluted. (this is not required, you can just use water here and the pancakes still turn out just as delicious.)
2 tbs. grapeseed oil

Mix and make pancakes!

Chia Pudding

Here is our version of Chia Pudding which we love:

Chia Pudding

1 cup cashews soaked for 4-6 Hours and rinsed.
6 Dates soaked for 4-6 hours in 4  cups water (save the soak water)
1tsp Vanilla extract
1 tsp Cinnamon
1/2 cup chia seeds

Place rinsed cashews, dates, and 4 cups of date soak water blender. Add the vanilla extract and cinnamon. Give it a whirl. When completely blended pour blender contents into a bowl and mix in 1/2 cup chia seeds. Let bowl sit on counter for ten minutes and then whisk again before placing in the fridge to set for a day. 

Serve with Coconut Whipped Cream and fruit. So Good!

Best of Both Blenders Milk

So in the past we have made coconut milks, and we have made nut milks. And one day I was inspired by God just to do the two together and see how we liked it. So here is the best of both Blenders.

The night before:

Fill a Quart Jar 1/3 of the way with shredded coconut and cover with filtered water. If you want to use dates as a sweetener, toss 3-6 dates depending on how much sweetness you want,  in the jar to soak with the coconut.

In a separate quart jar put in 1/2 cup raw almonds and 2 tbs. of sesame seeds. Fill jar halfway with water and let soak over night.

In the Morning:

Dump the quart jar with water and coconut shreds into the blender. Strain out almonds and sesame seeds and give them a good rinse before adding them to blender. Add vanilla and cinnamon to taste (the vanilla is recommended and the cinnamon is optional.) Another optional ingredient to add  is a tablespoon or two of coconut oil. If you didn't use dates as a sweetener, add your sweetener preference now. Blend this mix. Then fill the blender the rest of the way with water.  Give it another whirl. Strain if desired. Enjoy!

Coconut Creaminess Breakfast

Over night soak:

1/4-1/2 cup of raisins in a quart jar filled half way with water
Take a second quart jar and fill it 1/2-3/4 full with coconut shreds top off with water

In the morning dump the quart jar filled with hydrated coconut shreds into your blender along with the soak water from the raisins. Give the blender a whirl. We call this coconut creaminess.

Assemble the breakfast:
In a bowl place sprouted buckwheat, sprouted oats, sprouted whatever, or crunchy buckwheat (which is buckwheat that has been soaked and dehydrated) top with soaked raisins  and cover with the coconut creaminess. You can also add shredded carrots, chopped apple, crispy nuts, chia seeds, ground flax,  whichever pleases your mouth.

We also add coconut creaminess to soaked oatmeal, in the morning after letting rolled oats soak 12-24 hours in a raw apple cider vinegar water solution we mix in the creaminess, chia seeds ground flax, carrot shreds, soaked get the point and enjoy a delicious breakfast.

We still do a sprouted flour pancake on occasion and have found that it works great as the liquid and sweetener substitute.  

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Coconut Milk

Depending on your diet requirements or the time you have:

Fill a quart jar halfway full of coconut shreds.

Cover with boiling water to the top of the jar and let soak for 30 mins.


Cover with cold water to the top of the jar and let sit for 2 hours


Cover with cold water to the top of the jar and let sit overnight.

30 mins later, or 2hours later, or in the morning dump the soaked coconut mix with water into the blender fill the blender the rest of the way with water. If I have raisin soak water at this time I will add it also. Add vanilla and cinnamon to taste and give that blender a whirl. If you prefer your coconut milk to be sweeter you can add honey, maple syrup, soaked dates, soaked date or raisin water  before blending. 

Depending on how thick you like your milk and what you are using it for you can thin with more water at this point or strain and enjoy.

We add coconut milk to our pancake mixture, pour it over our sprouted breakfasts, use it to make ice cream, or just drink it.