Over night soak:
1/4-1/2 cup of raisins in a quart jar filled half way with water
Take a second quart jar and fill it 1/2-3/4 full with coconut shreds top off with water
In the morning dump the quart jar filled with hydrated coconut shreds into your blender along with the soak water from the raisins. Give the blender a whirl. We call this coconut creaminess.
Assemble the breakfast:
In a bowl place sprouted buckwheat,
sprouted oats, sprouted whatever, or crunchy buckwheat (which is
buckwheat that has been soaked and dehydrated) top with soaked raisins
and cover with the coconut creaminess. You can also add shredded carrots, chopped apple, crispy nuts, chia seeds, ground flax, whichever pleases your mouth.
We also add coconut creaminess
to soaked oatmeal, in the morning after letting rolled oats soak 12-24
hours in a raw apple cider vinegar water solution we mix in the creaminess, chia seeds ground flax, carrot shreds, soaked raisins....you get the point and enjoy a delicious breakfast.
We still do a sprouted flour pancake on occasion and have found that it works great as the liquid and sweetener substitute.
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